Founder of Balancing and Overcoming Life Adversities

Mykea Jones founded Balancing and Overcoming Life Adversities Inc. on December 21, 2021. After overcoming her own personal mental health challenges throughout life since graduating college, she wanted to become an inspiration and motivation to others that may have experienced the same mental health challenges in life. She wanted to help others balance and overcome life adversities just as she has done in the past. After experiencing her last mental health breakdown, she decided enough was enough. ​
With the support of her husband and family, she decided to start a non-profit to assist others overcoming life adversities and host positive events and activities to help individuals and families from various backgrounds.
Mykea Jones was born and raised in Birmingham, Alabama. She attended Alabama State University and received her Bachelors and Masters Degree in Accounting. She is married to her husband, Justin Jones and have 2 children. She wrote her first book, A Woman's Heart: How I Fulfilled My God Given Purpose sharing testimonies of how she overcame life adversities as a young woman.
You can purchase her book via the below link:
Here's a message from the Founder:
"You are not alone. Me and you are here for a divine purpose. Life may become hard and unbearable sometimes; however, we have to tap into our faith and re-train our mind and way of thinking to overcome certain internal battles and situations.
The life adversities we face is building our faith, confidence, and testimony to help others along the way. Our journey in life is not about us, it is BIGGER than you and me. It is all for a higher purpose.
So, don't give up! Don't quit! Speak life and positivity over your mind, body, soul, and spirit! Trust me, the process may be rough, but the journey is beautiful. Life is NOT a race; so, embrace every moment and time will eventually heal all of our wounds."